Welcome to Kensey Vale Bowling Club…

Interested in Bowling?

Kensey Vale has excellent facilities for the sport of bowling – with a quality green, a spacious clubhouse (including a bar), plentiful parking, and attractive surrounds. We pride ourselves in being a welcoming club, happy to introduce our game to aspiring bowlers of any age or species.

If you are interested in having a go at bowling, contact our club secretary (Wendy Fettner) on 07523 154000, or just come over to the green. We’ll be happy to see you. There will also be “taster sessions” early in the season designed especially for new bowlers. Everything will be provided (as long as you’re wearing flat soled shoes – trainers are fine, but no stilettos please).

Club activities do not stop during the winter. We have short mat bowls in the clubhouse, and many members compete on the indoor green in Bodmin. In addition, there are frequent social events to be enjoyed throughout the off-season.

About our Club

Kensey Vale Bowling club was formed in 1927 with 3 rinks and 2 tennis courts. It has progressed through the years to 6 rinks and facilities to be proud of. It has not been all plain sailing as in March 1974 the new wooden pavilion was burnt to the ground everything had gone up in smoke. Temporary accommodation, a Hut, was purchased and situated on the car park and a full seasons bowling fixtures was honoured. Rebuilding started in 1975 and the present pavilion was officially opened on June 19th 1976.

2002 was the Club’s Diamond Jubilee and we were pleased to be visited by an EBA Team and the EBA President, Wayne Manley. Also in 2002 huge improvements to the river bank were undertaken.

In 2003 club members were 90% responsible for instigating the extension of the club house with a large function room, new toilets, changing rooms and kitchen, taking until 2006 to complete.

In 2007 an automatic watering system was installed for the green, again by club members.

On 20th November 2010, Jean Wilkins one of our lady members was elected President of Bowls Cornwall for 2011.